2020-2021 Competitions
ESFA Boys Under 12 PlayStation Elite Schools´ Cup
There is no restriction on the number of Premier League / Football League Academy players that can be fielded in a fixture in this competition
Boys competition - Year 7 Only
Number of rounds: 5
Teams entered: 32
Round 2
Number of fixtures : 8
Number of Legs per fixture : 1
Draw published on Friday 9th October 2020 at 13:00 hrs.
Ties to be played on or before Saturday 27th March 2021.
- 2.01
- date:
- T.B.A.
- KepierSUNDERLANDorHurworth SchoolDARLINGTON vAcklam Grange SchoolMIDDLESBROUGHorSt Bede´s RC School & Byron CollegeEAST DURHAM
- 2.02
- date:
- T.B.A.
- Dyke House Sports & Technology CollegeHARTLEPOOLorHigh Tunstall College of ScienceHARTLEPOOL vChorlton High SchoolMANCHESTERorMinsthorpe Community CollegeWAKEFIELD
- 2.03
- date:
- T.B.A.
- Priestnall SchoolSTOCKPORTorWright Robinson CollegeMANCHESTER vRainhill High SchoolST HELENSorThe Crompton House CofE AcademyOLDHAM
- 2.04
- date:
- T.B.A.
- Kingsford Community SchoolNEWHAM
vThe Aldenham FoundationWATFORD & DISTRICTorBishop Challoner Boys´ SchoolTOWER HAMLETS
- 2.05
- date:
- T.B.A.
- Torquay AcademyTORBAY & DISTRICTorIvybridge Community CollegePLYMOUTH v
Royal Wootton Bassett AcademySWINDON
- 2.06
- date:
- T.B.A.
- Dover Grammar School for BoysDOVERorOakwood Park Grammar SchoolMAIDSTONE vWilson´s SchoolSUTTONorRavens Wood SchoolBROMLEY
- 2.07
- date:
- T.B.A.
- The Bishop´s Stortford High SchoolLEA VALLEYorNorthampton School for BoysNORTHAMPTON vSandwell AcademySANDWELLorThomas Telford SchoolTELFORD & WREKIN
- 2.08
- date:
- T.B.A.
- South Hunsley School & VI Form CollegeEAST RIDING
vSirius Academy WestKINGSTON UPON HULLorWolfreton School & VI Form CollegeEAST RIDING
v : match awaiting result.
- : result confirmed by ESFA Competition Department.
< : result confirmed, Home team awarded win, Away team withdrew / disqualified - see fixture note for explanation.
> : result confirmed, Away team awarded win, Home team withdrew / disqualified - see fixture note for explanation.
x : result confirmed, both teams disqualified - see fixture note for explanation.
Place mouse pointer over fixture score to reveal goalscorer names and fixture note.