2015-2016 Competitions
ESFA Boys Under 18 Colleges´ Trophy
Boys competition - Years 11 to 13 Only
Number of rounds: 7
Teams entered: 91
Round 2
Number of fixtures : 32
Number of Legs per fixture : 1
Draw published on Friday 14th August 2015 at 13:00 hrs.
Ties to be played on or before Saturday 17th October 2015.
- 2.01
- date:
- 12.10.2015
- venue:
- Hartpury College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
FT6 - 2.
New CollegeSWINDON
- Bates. HT1 - 0
- Iddrisu, Bates, Bates, Lamb, Fogg. FT6 - 2Hunt, Shrubb.
- 2.02
- date:
- game not played
- South Gloucestershire & Stroud CollegeBRISTOL & SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE
see note > .
Yeovil CollegeYEOVIL
Yeovil College progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.03
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- John Leggott College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- John Leggott CollegeSCUNTHORPE
FT6 - 7.
Wyke 6th Form CollegeKINGSTON UPON HULL
- ?, ?, ?, ?. HT4 - 3?, ?, ?.
- ?, ?. FT6 - 7?, ?, ?, ?.
- 2.04
- date:
- game not played
- New College StamfordKESTEVEN
see note < .
New College Stamford progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.05
- date:
- 09.10.2015
- venue:
- Liverpool FC Foundation College
- kick-off:
- 13:30
- Liverpool FC Foundation CollegeLIVERPOOL
Penalties3 - 4.
Winstanley CollegeWIGAN
- Tom Steging, Sean Wilson, (og). HT3 - 3Ben Hatch, James Arthur, Conal Gallacher.
- FT3 - 3
- AET3 - 3
- Tom Stephens, Lewis Smyth, Luke Paterson. Penalties3 - 4Liam Bibby, George Cheeseman, Ben Hatch, Lewis Rowe.
- 2.06
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Hills Road VI Form College
- Hills Road VI Form CollegeCAMBRIDGE & DISTRICT
FT4 - 2.
The College of West AngliaWEST NORFOLK
- HT0 - 0
- ?, ?, ?, ?. FT4 - 2?, ?.
- 2.07
- date:
- game not played
- Coulsdon CollegeSOUTH SURREY
see note < .
Waltham Forest CollegeWALTHAM FOREST
Coulsdon College progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.08
- date:
- game not played
- Barnsley CollegeBARNSLEY
see note < .
Accrington & Rossendale CollegeHYNDBURN & RIBBLE VALLEY
Barnsley College progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.09
- date:
- 15.10.2015
- venue:
- Canterbury College
FT2 - 3.
Palmers CollegeTHURROCK
- HT0 - 1?.
- Tom Perrigan, Peter Svelberg. FT2 - 3?, ?.
- 2.10
- date:
- 23.09.2015
- venue:
- Newcastle Under Lyme College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Newcastle Under Lyme CollegeNEWCASTLE UNDER LYME
FT2 - 3.
North Shropshire CollegeNORTH SHROPSHIRE
- ?, ?. HT2 - 3?, ?, ?.
- FT2 - 3
- 2.11
- date:
- 23.09.2015
- venue:
- Sir George Monoux College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Sir George Monoux CollegeWALTHAM FOREST
FT5 - 2.
Uxbridge CollegeHILLINGDON
- (og), David Agbesanwa. HT2 - 0
- David Agbesanwa, Aydarus Hijt, Aydarus. FT5 - 2?, ?.
- 2.12
- date:
- 12.10.2015
- venue:
- South Sefton College
- kick-off:
- 16:00
- South Sefton CollegeSEFTON
Penalties4 - 5.
Cardinal Newman CollegePRESTON
- HT0 - 0
- ?, ?, ?. FT3 - 3?, ?, ?.
- AET3 - 3
- ?, ?, ?, ?. Penalties4 - 5?, ?, ?, ?, ?.
- 2.13
- date:
- 16.10.2015
- venue:
- South Essex College
- kick-off:
- 13:00
- South Essex CollegeSOUTH EAST ESSEX
FT0 - 4.
Gable Hall School & 6th Form CollegeTHURROCK
- HT0 - 3Perry, Perry, Hearn.
- FT0 - 4Phillips.
- 2.14
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Sussex Downs College Eastbourne
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Sussex Downs College EastbourneSOUTH EAST SUSSEX
FT1 - 3.
The College Of Richard CollyerMID SUSSEX
- HT0 - 0
- ?. FT1 - 3?, ?, ?.
- 2.15
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Prior Pursglove College
- kick-off:
- 15:00
- Prior Pursglove CollegeREDCAR & CLEVELAND
FT0 - 1.
Redcar & Cleveland CollegeREDCAR & CLEVELAND
- HT0 - 0
- FT0 - 1J Gordon.
- 2.16
- date:
- 16.10.2015
- venue:
- Peter Symonds College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Peter Symonds CollegeEASTLEIGH & WINCHESTER
FT5 - 0.
- Mike Olaore. HT1 - 0
- Mike Olaore, Theo Servini, Euan Mathias, Jamie Howells. FT5 - 0
- 2.17
- date:
- game not played
- Solihull CollegeSOLIHULL
see note < .
Solihull College progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.18
- date:
- 21.10.2015
- venue:
- St Charles VI Form College
- St Charles VI Form CollegeWEST LONDON
FT3 - 1.
St Francis Xavier VI Form CollegeSOUTH LONDON
- HT0 - 0
- ?, ?, ?. FT3 - 1?.
- 2.19
- date:
- 21.10.2015
- venue:
- Hopwood Hall College
- Hopwood Hall CollegeROCHDALE METRO
FT10 - 1.
Loreto CollegeMANCHESTER
- R.Daly, D.Miranda, R.Daly, J.Brannan, J.Brannan, B.Matthews, J.Brannan. HT7 - 0
- O.Camara, J.Richards, K.Glynn. FT10 - 1?.
- 2.20
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Thomas Rotherham College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Thomas Rotherham CollegeROTHERHAM
FT10 - 3.
North Lindsey CollegeSCUNTHORPE
- Joe Parkin, Joe Parkin, Joe Parkin, Jake Mason, Jake Mason. HT5 - 3?, ?, ?.
- Reagen Race, Reagen Race, Jamie Austin, Jack Jeffrey, Jack Jeffrey. FT10 - 3
- 2.21
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Xaverian College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Xaverian CollegeMANCHESTER
FT5 - 3.
Huddersfield New CollegeHUDDERSFIELD
- ?, ? . HT2 - 2George Doyle, Sam Proud.
- ?, ?, ? . FT5 - 3Josh Nichol.
- 2.22
- date:
- 07.10.2015
- venue:
- Godalming College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Godalming CollegeGUILDFORD & DISTRICT
FT0 - 3.
- HT0 - 0
- FT0 - 3Amoo, Davison, Heryet.
- 2.23
- date:
- not known
- Blackburn CollegeBLACKBURN & DARWEN
FT0 - 1.
Myerscough CollegePRESTON
- HT0 - 1
- FT0 - 1
- 2.24
- date:
- game not played
see note < .
Strode´s CollegeSPELTHORNE
Henley College progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.25
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Farnborough VI Form College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Farnborough VI Form CollegeALDERSHOT & FARNBOROUGH
AET4 - 3.
- Sam Pedersen. HT1 - 1?.
- Louie Paget, Ryan McCartney. FT3 - 3?, ?.
- Sam Pedersen. AET4 - 3
- 2.26
- date:
- game not played
- Newton Rigg CollegeCARLISLE
see note > .
Sunderland CollegeSUNDERLAND
Sunderland College progress to the next round.
Winners selected by computer after both teams failed to play by the deadline date.
- 2.27
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Sussex Downs College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Sussex Downs CollegeOUSE VALLEY
FT0 - 6.
Brighton Hove & Sussex VI Form CollegeBRIGHTON & HOVE
- HT0 - 2?, ?.
- FT0 - 6?, ?, ?, ?.
- 2.28
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- South Devon College
- kick-off:
- 13:30
- South Devon CollegeTORBAY & DISTRICT
FT4 - 2.
- Johansen. HT1 - 1?.
- Johansen, Johansen, Darby. FT4 - 2?.
- 2.29
- date:
- 16.10.2015
- venue:
- North Warwickshire & Hinckley College
- North Warwickshire & Hinckley CollegeNUNEATON & DISTRICT
FT0 - 4.
- HT0 - 1?.
- FT0 - 4?, ?, ?.
- 2.30
- date:
- 17.10.2015
- venue:
- Milton Keynes College
- kick-off:
- 11:00
- Milton Keynes CollegeMILTON KEYNES
FT5 - 4.
West Herts CollegeWATFORD & DISTRICT
- Williams, Williams, Pobee. HT3 - 3?, ?, ?.
- Williams, Mastaller. FT5 - 4?.
- 2.31
- date:
- 19.10.2015
- venue:
- Tyne Metropolitan College
- Tyne Metropolitan CollegeNORTH TYNESIDE
FT0 - 2.
Gateshead CollegeGATESHEAD
- HT0 - 0
- FT0 - 2?, ?.
- 2.32
- date:
- 14.10.2015
- venue:
- Preston´s College
- kick-off:
- 14:00
- Preston´s CollegePRESTON
FT7 - 2.
Blackpool 6th Form CollegeBLACKPOOL FYLDE & WYRE
- Nuttall, Nuttall, Nutall, Nutall, Nacrimento. HT5 - 0
- Holden, Holden. FT7 - 2?, ?.
v : match awaiting result.
- : result confirmed by ESFA Competition Department.
< : result confirmed, Home team awarded win, Away team withdrew / disqualified - see fixture note for explanation.
> : result confirmed, Away team awarded win, Home team withdrew / disqualified - see fixture note for explanation.
x : result confirmed, both teams disqualified - see fixture note for explanation.
Place mouse pointer over fixture score to reveal goalscorer names and fixture note.